On this website you can find text instructions, in-game commands or My achievements. It also quickly becomes clear that the text instructions and co. run on Gitbook. This is because if there is a need for change/improvement suggestions from other users, you can comment on them directly in the code on Github and I will of course check them and then release them. This way saves a lot of work, time and overview.

I have summarized and tested all published instructions myself. The text instructions are regularly checked and updated. If you make a mistake when following my instructions or if something does not work, you can contact me using the contact form.

If you have any suggestions for improvement, you can also contact me using the contact form. Please select the category you are interested in and write to me.

About me

Hey, my name is Ishak and in my spare time I deal with servers, networks, security and software development. My favorite thing to do develop applications (Python) or websites like this one. On my Github profile you can follow which activities I have done or am working on.

My skills

I use these languages & apps in my free time free time as well as at school

My services

Text instructions, | is my Wiki/Docs page where I have provided manuals for Linux as well as Windows. These are intended to ensure that installations run smoothly by providing clear steps.

GitHub | serves as my portfolio for my projects to make them accessible to both companies and private private initiatives. I appreciate open source projects and like to get involved in them.

Linkt | is a website I created using HTML, CSS and JS. The purpose of this site is to present all my social media channels on a single platform. on a single platform. Although I could have also used the service of Linktree.

In-game commands | is a page I created where I provide frequently used commands which are not always immediately available or where it can be difficult to find the right commands. to find the right commands.

Companies & networks

Eurowaytransport.de | is a renowned transportation company that specializes in the shipping of goods and guarantees the highest safety standards for the transportation for the transportation of its loads.

Goldpfote.net | is a leading gaming network with a particular specialization in Minecraft servers. In addition, it offers a wide selection of other gaming servers as subcategories.


Basically I do not offer any service, but on request it is possible possible that I can create or support projects, addons, scripts, plugins and co or support for you.

Contact form

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